In this article we have listed few yet very useful and very commonly used MongoDB commands. This article is not a tutorial on MongoDB but a list of useful commands for MongoDB; so this is kind of cheatsheet of MongoDB commands.
Run the below command in command prompt
mongodump -d db_name -o /path/to/dir
If database db_name doesn’ exist then it’ll be created.
The above command to create backup will create a directory by the name of database. This directory will contain number of bson and json files depending upon the number of collections in your database. To restore this dump you’ll have to run the below command in command prompt. In this command you need to specify the path of the directory (by name of your database)
mongorestore -d db_name /path/to/dir/containing/backup/files
If database db_name doesn’ exist then it’ll be created.
mongoexport --host hostname --db db_name --collection collection_name --type=csv --out text.csv --fields column_1,column_2,column_3
Before running the above command make sure you cd
to directory where you want to generate csv file.