Quick example
Sequelize is a great ORM for Express which supports not just MySQL but also PostgreSQL and SQLite. Just like any other ORM, to perform JOIN queries using models you need to first define an association between the two tables (models). This association can be hasOne, hasMany, belongsTo and so on. Now this becomes tricky if […]
In this article we’ll learn how you can let your app users login with Google Account into your PHP web application using Google PHP Client version 2. It’s assumed that you have already installed composer and are using a version of PHP greater than 5.4. To view the entire code please visit this gist. Create […]
In this article you’ll learn the basics of creating charts using svg and D3. Above is what we’ll be creating by the end of this tutorial. Creating charts with just svg svg with single rect and minimal styling Before proceeding further it’s noteworthy to have a quick overview of how to create charts using svg […]