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If you have used laravel for any CRUD application you may used the paginate method on you query builder for generating pagination links. However this method doesn’t work well with groupBy and raw queries. This post shows few examples of generating pagination manually using the Paginator class.
In this article we’ll learn how you can let your app users login with Google Account into your PHP web application using Google PHP Client version 2. It’s assumed that you have already installed composer and are using a version of PHP greater than 5.4. To view the entire code please visit this gist. Create […]
As the official WordPress codex explains, a WordPress plugin is a set of functions that adds or enhances the set of features to your WordPress blogs. Plugins can be activated and deactivated through the Plugins screen in WordPress dashboard. If you are a PHP programmer and new to WordPress and wish to know how plugins […]
There are already a number of free captcha libraries available on web. But as a developer you might want to know (in case you don’t) how the captcha is actually generated. So in this small tutorial we will learn step by step how to generate a captcha image using PHP. Captcha is a string of […]
Most of the vectors, illustrations and images used on this website are downloaded from Freepik and Pixabay. We are not affiliated to any of these websites but we definitely recommend these websites if you are looking for royalty free commercial images for any of projects.