mod_rewrite is an Apache module that allows to rewrite requested urls on the fly using rule based rewrite engine. In simple language it is the module that empowers your .htaccess file. It is not activated by default. So you’ll notice your htaccess rules won’t work on fresh install of Apache. In this tutorial we’ll see […]
This tutorial is for changing root directory of apache server on Debian system like Ubuntu. When you install apache (or LAMP) by default the root directory of apache is /var/www/html. When doing development on local machine you might want to change this to some directory in your home directory. Advantage of doing this is you […]
Let’s say you have a website on you wamp server by name project. So there’s a directory project in your C:\wamp\www directory. Also visiting http://localhost/project on the browser takes us to your project website. Now we want to set up a virtual host with self signed SSL certificate so that we can visit our website […]
In this article we’ll learn how to configure your personal Gmail account to use your domain email address. Gmail allows adding 5 such addresses. Mails will be sent through your servers SMTP server but you’ll be able to send and receive them in Gmail.
When you install WAMP for the first time you will notice that .htaccess redirects wont work. This post explains how to enable the same.